I saw a picture today of acrylic chairs with a farm table and thought – How cool is that look? Mixing in Lucite or acrylic furniture with traditional pieces give a room such a modern vibe! I love it!
Many people would hesitate to use acrylic furniture because it looks so contemporary and that may not be their style. But mixing it in as an accent with traditional or transitional pieces provides that decorating edge that makes the space look so current. For example, I like to use either a Lucite table with upholstered pieces or a wood table with acrylic chairs.
Acrylic Furniture gives the illusion of more space because you see right through it. Try adding an acrylic coffee table in front of your sofa – you’ll see what I mean. It also creates lightness and brightness because light shines through it. The pieces are also light and easy to move around so acrylic chairs make great additions to your entertaining spaces for additional seating.
If you want to add a modern touch to your home without breaking the budget, buy a piece of Lucite furniture and see how truly versatile and fun the look can be.