I received more questions and comments about my white washed brick fireplace than I would have ever expected. I admit – I love the rustic feel of this look and I also love how it lightens the overall appearance of our family room. So, I thought I would share how quick and easy it is to white wash brick. There are a number of ways to white wash brick but we chose the old fashioned approach of “lime white washing”. This approach gives you that weathered look that changes over time. If too much color wears away – you can just reapply to the worn areas.
Here is the recipe for about 2 gallons of white wash: mix 1 ¼ gallons of hot water and 12 ½ lbs. of lime in a 10 gallon bucket. Allow the mixture to cool for 12 hrs. While cooling, mix 3 lbs. of salt in 1/3 gallon of warm water in a separate bucket. Add salt mixture to lime mixture and stir thoroughly. When you are ready to begin, wet the brick in sections, apply the white wash over wet brick with a stiff bristle brush. You can add more or less white wash as you proceed – creating the appearance you like. It is that easy!